Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Meeting with new Presbytery of Zimbabwe Leaders

Good Friends in Christ.

On Wednesday 10 November, I was privileged to spend an afternoon with the Rev. Stan Chatikobo and Mr. Kwenje (respectfully Moderator and Clerk of the Presbytery of Zimbabwe).

Mr Kwenje, George, Rev Chatikobo

The Presbytery of Zimbabwe spans the entire territory of the Republic of Zimbabwe. There is a shortage of ordained ministers, many having emigrated to South Africa and other countries around the world.  Readers of this letter will remember the terrible economic crisis that Zimbabwe has experienced over the last eight years or so.  Farm seizures, subsequent sanctions imposed by Western countries, political turmoil, etc resulted in hyperinflation and the “crash” of the Zimbabwean currency.  South African churches responded by sending money and groceries to our ministers and schools.

Today, Zimbabwe is recovering.  The US dollar is used in shops as legal tender, shops are well stocked and people are gradually putting their lives back together. The worst off, as always, are the poor.  They lack not only resource but also access to currency.

The newly elected Moderator and Clerk of Zimbabwe Presbytery are very positive about the life of their Presbytery.  Zimbabwe has the highest number of Church Development Evangelists (CDEs) in the UPCSA. CDEs are laypersons working to plant and nurture new congregations.  Earlier this year, the CDP committee conducted a training seminar for 26 of the evangelists. The participants were given an overview of the Bible in three days.

The CWM Mission Support Fund has had a wonderful impact within the Presbytery.  Projects undertaken include youth capacity building, the construction of a clinic in Presbyterian High School and numerous other income generating projects.

Zimbabwe Presbytery also has two significant international partnerships – one with the Presbytery of Denver (PCUSA) and the Presbytery of Grinock and Paisley (Church of Scotland).

Zimbabwe has a long way to go and but we have good leaders who are committed to building the UPCSA there.  It has been a privilege to engage with these two Church leaders.

Warm regards


  1. Hi George
    This blog is really super - thank you for taking the time that it entails to keep us all up to date.
    Keeping you in prayer as you serve the church in this way!
    God bless!

  2. Dear GEORGE
    I write to thank and congratulate the UPCSA ,moderator for visiting the Presbyteries in Zambia for I believe that such visits are not only a big honor, it is an opportunity for Presbyteries and the Christians in Zambia to pray and worship together and be challenged to greater faithfulness in being the body of Christ in the world. I believe that by working together we can accomplish more and challenge each other to reach out in God's love beyond our comfort zones.''
    I also believe that the moderator’s visits are meant to encourage church leaders and Christians to be more active in the work of our church. ''That is how we connect as Presbyterians, and we can do more when we pull together. That's part of the big picture of the UPCSA Church.'' This is what I fully appreciate for being a Minister in UPCSA the Spirit of equal leadership in the ministry and mission of the congregation.

