Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Church Associations Committee Meeting

Good Friends in Christ

On Friday 22 October, I travelled to Mdantsane in Amatola Presbytery to attend the Church Associations Committee meeting.  The Convener, the Rev. Lulamile Obose, welcomed me and all the delegates to the meeting which was held in Auld Memorial Church.  The Men’s Christian Guild, The Presbyterian Women’s Fellowship, the Youth Fellowship, the IYZAS ad the Guild of Church choirs and musicians were all represented in the meeting. Also present were Church Association Conveners from several of the UPCSA’s Presbyteries.

Friday night consisted mainly of formalities and going through the minutes of the previous meeting (June 2010) with report backs etc. We enjoyed a late supper before turning in for the night.  On Saturday morning, the Committee invited me to address them on Article 13 of the Basis of Union which expresses the intention of the former RPC and PCSA to amalgamate their separate Church Associations at the time of union. I expressed the desire for paths toward unity to be found as I believe this is what Christ wants for the Church. Also, my view that legislation is always a poor motivator toward unity when relationships are in question. Paul’s injunction that we make every effort to maintain the unity of the body motivates me to work hard toward that eventuality.

The MCG especially indicated that they were always ready to come to the negotiating table.

I suspect that the challenges faced by the associations will be one of the priorities in these next 21 months. I want to record my thanks to the committee (and especially my friend, the Convener) for the invitation to attend and offering me an opportunity to learn about this important part of the Church’s life.

Warm Greetings to you all

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